LAJKA!!! The shocking truth is Killing Turkeys CAUSES Winter!!!!

Nov 23, 2015 12:46

YES! I did not know this my own self until my Cousin Sjkolnir messaged me from Trondheim University where she is majoring in Runes and French Patries (its a funny sort of college, I know I know). She has been doing intense rilly rilly serious research, sitting on the floor in the corner of the libery, hauling out old reference books bigger than she is and studying them. And she found this! Right after the first French fur traders started showing up, a Misquawontonk medicine man name Alombambuim invoked a terrible curse on the white intruders. He called on something called Yok Sotut or something like that, that the intruders would cause their own suffering. When they killed more than a hundred turkeys on a single day, Winter would soon come and punish them. If not, the weather would be mild and bearable.

And what happened? ALombambuin talked them into starting an annual ritual called Thanksgiving. You see! This is why you all need to go out for Chinese food this year!!

If you have any questions, I will be glad to forward them to Cousin Sjkolnir.

lajka rasmussen

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