This character only appeared a handful of times in the Golden Age. She didn't turn up until 1944, by which time super-heroes had crested and were beginning to be replaced by other genres like teen comedy, Westerns and horror. There was also a surge of popularity for heroines, from Nyoka to the Phantom Lady to Namora to the Blonde Phantom. Captain America even ditched Bucky for Golden Girl. But the Veiled Avenger was only seen in the interior pages of SPOTLIGHT COMICS# 1 through 3, and in RED SEAL COMICS# 16 from minor publisher Harry Chesler. She didn't really get a chance to hit the public eye. The art and stories were your basic uninspired Golden Age stuff. Like Chesler's other hero, the Black Dwarf, there was a mean quality to the dialogue. I guess he read a lot of crime pulps.
Quite a few Golden Age heroes were district attorneys in their civilian identities. (The hypocrisy of taking an oath to enforce the law and then going out in disguise every night to break it didn't seem to bother them, they probably rationalized they were working for the greater good.) This time, the DA's secretary got in on the crimefighting action. Disgusted at seeing criminals go unpunished, Ginny Spears got into her Veiled Avenger outfit and chased after them with a whip. Ow! Well, at least she was realistic enough not to try bare fists against armed thugs.
I always figured there was a slight Zorro influence at work here. Aside from the whip, the Veiled Avenger's hat and bolero jacket looked a bit Spanish-motif to me. Instead of wearing all black like Don Diego, she chose rather pleasant pastel colors which evidently weren't meant to strike fear into the hearts of evil-doers but which at least would let her blend into a crowd afterwards. We can assume her veil (like that of Lady Luck) was more opaque than is shown so we readers can see her facial expressions.
Not much of a supporting cast. Aside from the DA, all she had was a young boy called Skipper who lived at her boarding house. He thought nothing of bursting into the court house and the DA's office to report criminal activity.
As the Veiled Avenger, Ginny Spears went to town with that whip. I saw a whip demonstration at a county fair years ago, and believe me, they're intimidating weapons. Talk about, "You're going to put someone's eye out with that thing." My favorite Veiled Avenger moment was from her final appearance in RED SEAL# 16 when she snapped a gangster's wrist with the whip so that he shot himself in the mouth. Dang, that's severe. I bet crooks would rather go up against the Sandman or the Black Hood, who would only slug them in the jaw and turn them over to the cops.