And here's her OFFICIAL Accept-No-Substitutes Website: I must have watched LOST IN SPACE, I seem to know a good deal about the show including its cast and themes, but I can't remember any of it. Most likely I was on the rug with a comic books or HP Lovecraft paperback and only glanced up when something sounded interesting. This is how I absobrbed a lot of pop culture through a sort of unconscious osmosis.
Marta Kristen is half Finnish and half German, usually referred to as a "Norwegian actress." You may notice that she does not much resemble our own clan of Rasmussens. It is prudent not to mention this as our Lajka tends to go off on a rant about how people who say this don't know anything about Norway. ("Have you ever BEEN to Trondheim?" she usually hollers, "I didn't THINK so!") The mystery of the Rasmussens is best left as is.