That dang Zhang!

Jun 20, 2011 18:42

Also, if you are so inclined, click here

I get these movie-crushes now and then, I think we all do. So far, I've watched Zhang Ziyi in HERO, MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA, HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS and CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON. PRINCESS RACOON is on order, where she plays a racoon spirit who takes human form so it can tapdance; sounds a little different. One funny thing is that two different Chinese women have told me Zhang is famous but not well thought of because of her scandalous love life. This has never held Western actresses back, in fact it's often a boost but maybe standards differ.

Here are some screen captures from 2001's THE WARRIOR (original title MUSA). This movie knocked my socks off. I wasn't expecting much, but it's a real old-fashioned epic with lots of battle sequences, dramatic emotional moments, scenery and costumes and historical import. A small Korean peace delegation is stranded in northern China in 1375 and has to make its way to the ocean to get home. This is when the Mongol-ruled dynasty has been replaced by the Ming (giving China back to the Han people) and it's a tense dangerous time for everyone. Not only is there division and disunity in the Korean group itself, they pick up a Ming princess (that would be Zhang Ziyi) and a few others like a Buddhist monk and a camp follower. I thought Zhang did a good job as the haughty princess really goes through an emotional wringer during the film. She has to make some hard choices and seriously decides to sacrifice her own life to save everyone else at one point. If you like the other movies mentioned above (well, except the Geisha one), THE WARRIOR might be worth checking out.

babes, zhang ziyi, movies

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