Been watching s. 1 of Mad Men for the summer lazing about, and ... thinking of all the cigarette etiquette now gone. The He lights up She with a match, cupping it against breezes and she steadies his hand ... the She lights up He from her already lit cigarette ... Not that smoking in 2015 is completely out the window *har!* but I don't see, or perhaps am not in the position of observing, people doing that now.
There's also the bit where a man lights a cigarette for another man, who steadies the first guy's hands during the process. I think it's the only time in the 1940s and 1950s where a man would hold both of another man's hands in public, even for a second.
This is true. 'Wings' in 1927 may have had an early M-M kiss, but only in life and death situations. Much nicer to see Manly Touching in the U.S. in more civilized circumstances.
Re: re panel 5ticktockmanJune 8 2015, 01:26:00 UTC
They had a nifty variation on that in Double Indemnity. Throughout the movie Edward G. Robinson can't get his cigarette lighter to work and Fred MacMurray lights Robinson's smoke for him. At the end of the movie, MacMurray is unable to light his own cigarette, and Robinson does it for him.
I'd be more impressed if she were a Weird Science cyborg, and those WERE her hands. What strains my willing disbelief is how slim and elegant the gloves are - they look great on her, but it doesn't fit their history.
Comments 16
...not really, on second thought. Defenestration it is!
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