Mar 22, 2008 20:20
Yes it's been weeks since I posted but been up to my eyeballs in alligators (passed my ass in alligators back in feb). I had decided I would post per new group of students and so far I am only 1 rotation behind (will write about them later) but anyway on with the story
Since the first day of spring was thurs it was decided to have a cookout and my service was volunteered to provide the meat and grill. One of my students had worked with the meat science dept and was a master griller. I thought fantastic for once I won't be manning the grill.
Yes he can grill but there is grilling for a ton of people for a football game and there's grilling at the school for hungry students and doctors with little time for eating or grilling. which basically is grilling ADD style (probably why I have mastered it)
grilling the proper way:
place coals in grill and light. sit back and enjoy a cool beverage while flames die down and coals reach a agreeable temperature that insures that the meat will be cooked throughly without charring and allow for the smoke to infiltrate the meat giving it that "grilled flavor". Griller will leisurely flip meat to desired doneness while enjoying another cool beverage and talking with friends and family
grilling LAC or ADD style:
split bag of charcoal open and toss into grill (bag and all)and light up. Once flames have died down enough to allow for one to approach the grill and not lose eyebrows, throw meat on grill, peripheral area only, because the center (which is the hottest) is for flash burning any meat that may "accidently" contact the ground or any raw meat. Two people are preferable but one person can suffice. After the meat has been place on the flaming grill, the flipping and walking around the grill commences. There is no stopping if so it results in charcoal discs that may be handy for the liquored enhanced evening but not really needed at midday. The grillers who commit to this responsiblity realize that they will lose their fingerprints due to intense heat from flipping the burgers. The rapid flipping method insures meat reaches a proper temperature with the charring effect. From a distance it looks like a bizarre native dance with tongs around a flaming grill and yipping. The entire process (from match struck to table of 20 lbs of ground beef patties and 50 brats) 45 minutes. no I am not joking.