Apr 02, 2007 12:37
In today's society, the definition of "equality" has become so badly misinterpreted and misconstrued, it pains me. The actual definition of equality as the good dictionary.com states is "the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability." It does not mean that everyone is equal.
Every man is CREATED equal, but every man does not remain equal to another.
Just because there are two men or women, they are not the same, nor are they equal to each other. One of them is better than the other. One will be more intelligent, live more morally, be more virtuous, do more for the world and humankind than the other. There are endless ways that someone can be better than another person, but the main point is that certain people ARE better than other people.
Equality should not mean to reward inferiors by giving them undeserved charity and assistance to "level out the playing field." People are naturally competitive. It is a very good thing. Some people don't want to do anything or accomplish anything in life, while others strive to achieve many goals and make something of themselves. The latter are better than the former. There is no way to say they are equal to others.
A different example of this includes morally corrupt individuals such as murderers, pedophiles, and rapists. These people are sick and twisted. I will not consider myself equal to those degenerates. I also hope no one considers themselves equal to them who clearly are not. If you have any self-worth, you know you are better than them.
We need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking everyone in the world is equal. Don't consider it looking down on people, consider it a realization of what you've made of yourself in comparison to someone else.