Vacation and - ?Work?

Aug 29, 2008 09:53

            I am at one of my hospitals and I’m on vacation AND I am not a patient. I am showing my new associates how I do an invasive procedure that is unique to our practice. In fact - until today, I was the only person in my state to do the procedure. I do many a year averaging three or four a week from many referring physicians. My new colleagues are eager to learn the procedure and if they decide that they want to take it on as part of their regular practice, I’m off the hook. That is, the backlog will drop - and make many folks in the Upper Valley happier (I almost wrote Very Happier - but decided against gaffing myself).

Yesterday went well. I made myself muscle sore by weed/brush whacking the fence line for a quarter mile, followed by doing the same along the house and the mowing the lawn. It might have been a bit much for a single day - but - it needed doing and there are only so many beautiful days to be outside doing important chores for the farm.

Spouse is a happier person. Her intern knows how to train horses. This is a VERY good thing to know because it allows them to barter for the training the intern is receiving balanced against the training the “Problematic” horses need and are now getting. Life on the farm just got better.

Daughter has not written in a few days. The last word was that she was going from her worksite on a Norwegian island to the mainland for a “Look-See.” Pictures and the accompanying correspondence is ALWAYS Welcome - Wink, nudge nudge, you know what I mean.

More later - I’m off to watch my new colleague perform the study he watched me do this morning.


horses, spouse, daughter, work, farm

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