ABC's McPherson disses Melissa George and Brooke Smith

Jan 16, 2009 23:24

Can you believe this crapola??

I guess, after reading this, we can safely assume that Brooke is not going to make a guest appearance on Grey's

Neither Brooke Smith, nor Melissa George have said anything bad about ABC, the show, Rhimes or anyone for that matter to deserve this sort of bad-mouthing (in fact, George was full of praise, and Smith was very careful not to step on anyone's toes). Apparently, someone didn't do his homework.

Furthermore, he insists that the studios don't want to get in the way of creativity, and that they don't care whether there might be people out there who don't agree with a certain storyline (like the current on-goings with Izzie/Denny), when just moments earlier he stated that

"the character was not working for us, [...] and the relationship was not working for us."
Caught up in his own web of lies/pitiful excuses?! *shakes head in disgust*  >:-/

callie torres, callica, grey's anatomy, brooke smith, homosexuality, erica hahn

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