Oct 10, 2013 17:37
Seriously thinking of switching the doctor who's managing my medical transition. Thanks to kind public support (thanks for passing the word, everyone!) and decent Etsy sales, I've made enough to pay for my testosterone refill, but my doctor has yet to call it in after three reminders and I'm already a week overdue for my shot. He's done this before; he also still refers to me by female pronouns, which is bad, and blatantly commits major HIPA violations like dictating patients' personal information ("MR. SMITH HAS AN ADHESION ON HIS PENIS!") in the hearing of other patients, which is much worse. After my mom's stroke, I took her to a urologist for a related issue she was having, and I really liked him -- he seemed eccentric and had displays of weird art, taxidermy, and antique medical instruments in his office, so I doubt he'd have any qualms about treating me. The problem will be coming up with the money for an initial visit plus whatever blood work he'll want me to have done, which usually costs a fortune. Also, it takes time to get an initial appointment, and I need the T NOW. For the moment, I guess I'll keep harassing my current doctor.
Crossposted at Dreamwidth. Comment here or there, as you will.