Here are the first two pieces in a collaboration Grey and I are doing, with his photography and my painting:
"New Orleans Cemetery Ghosts No. 1: St. Joseph #1, Nov. 28, 2012, 3:17 PM." Premium quality photo print, acrylic paint, india ink, chalk pastel on 9" x 12" canvas, $50 or best offer[SOLD! If interested in commissioning a piece, please contact me at funkyegret (at) yahoo (dot) com.]
"New Orleans Cemetery Ghosts No. 2: St. Joseph #1, Nov. 28, 2012, 4:18 PM." Premium quality photo print, acrylic paint, india ink, chalk pastel on 8" x 10" canvas, $40 or best offer[SOLD! If interested in commissioning a piece, please contact me at funkyegret (at) yahoo (dot) com.]