Consume, Get Laid, Pee Orange

Aug 05, 2011 09:30

Goddammit. I think I have "honeymoon cystitis." Maybe if I write it up and add some details of my trip to Amsterdam and a section on becoming Catholic, I can parlay it into a hideous bestseller like Rich White Lady Goes On Vacation Eat, Pray, Love. I'd probably have to take a little more advantage of the wise yet unspoiled natives, though.

OK, I just ventured into the street and sought some advice from a wise yet unspoiled native (my neighbor). She says, "Gonna be another hot one." Must parse deeper meaning of this while eating pasta and bragging about how much everyone loves me.

Gonna have to work on that title, though. It's too early for titles.

ETA: Dreamed I was in England. Lenny Duveteaux was there, and had stolen my notebook and hidden it under his computer. I knew where it was, but was too busy freaking out over the fact that I had to do a book signing or something to care very much. Was mostly inclined to let him keep it, because I was curious about why he wanted it in the first place.

testosterone, liquor, dreams, books, health

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