
Sep 12, 2010 18:31

This will have to be quick, as I can't find my computer power cord and I'm losing the battery. The problem could likely be solved by the simple expedient of unpacking, but there are few things I hate more than unpacking from a really good trip. It sometimes takes me as long as two or three weeks to get it completely done. Still, I probably would have updated sooner except that I thought our Internet was out. I was going to make an emergency iPhone post letting people know I got home OK and saying Chris in his lonesome solitude had probably downloaded some piece of pornography so savage and atavistic that it broke the Internet, but it turned out the modem had just come unplugged.

Anyway. Home. Dead to the world for most of last week. Now seeing where Courtney Love apparently spent her daughter's eighteenth birthday harassing her (Frances) on Twitter. Nice company I kept in the '90s. I'm beginning to think there is never really any decade-zeitgeist you can blame your sins and peccadillos on -- "Oh, it was the '70s"; "Oh, it was the '80s" -- but only the particular decade during which you came of age and did most of your own silly shit. Not that I'm any great paragon of wisdom now, mind you.

P.S. 1-0 on our way to another black and gold Super Beauxl!

travel, saints, internet wank, football

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