Follow the cut to see more recent Halloween pics of me and the boy (Wifey insists on being off-camera as her eye is "illin"...
Ian in his Costume...Secret Identity Revealed!!!!
We spent an Hour at the Mall (Tuttle Crossing, behind our place...My leg wanted to fall off from the pain after walking that long!!!!) and got all this this from trick-or-treating at JUST THE STORES...
It weights 8.5 Pounds total... Plus we got coupons, gift cards and tons of sample perfumes and such!!!!
And after Ian's Birthday on the 13th, his room looked like this:
And Ian BEFORE WE CUT HIS HAIR, the day of his party... he seems happier with long hair?!?!?!
And ME as Bear in the Big Blue Box (I am wearing a Doctor Who Tardis Sweatshirt...Tee Hee Hee)
And a sad spot... Found this pic, taken the day before I hurt my leg and got all sorts of bad news... I sadly wont be able to do this anymore:
Sniffle, whimper....
Happy Boo-Day you Halloweenies!!!!