When last we left our intrepid adventurers... again...

Jul 29, 2009 23:51

Traveling the wilderness of Barsaive even when you know where you're going can be hazardous.
Last session the caravan stopped by a small lake to take on fresh water and allow people to bathe.
While doing so several people were dragged underwater by Bog Gobs (aka mud men) who attempted to drown them.
A fight ensued in which at least two party members (Zartok and Tice) fought in the buff.
No one died but a few people were a bit worse for wear.
Several incidents have convinced Ezrabar the younger that there is someone trying to sabotage the mission. Wet flour, a broken lynch pin on a wagon wheel etc. He suspects Colin the adjunct to the magistrate, logistics manager and the only other adept in the caravan.

This session, Colin the adjunct approached Ezrabar about some of the supply problems. He suspects there is a problem and want the adventurers to extend their security work inward to find the problem.
Tice notices some tempers are flaring as rumors spread over a game of Go, which he later tries to teach to the Zartok.
In the midst of this all Pax discovers that Colin is a questor (cleric to most of you, god unknown at this time) and when he confronts him about it, is paid to keep his mouth shut... not with gold, but with treats for his mount. Pax promptly, over objections from his mount Tibby, has the treats tested for poison.

Zartok  wanders into the trees while on watch and is promptly stung by shadowmants, a venomous flying predator, and nearly succumbs to the poison. Ezrabar on watch against sabotage does little to help.

Pax flies off the following morning following the caravan hunter, who arrives at a small village a days travel away just a few hours ahead of the caravan. Ezrabar breaks into the magistrates wagon looking for incriminating evidence, finds nothing and then goes and tells the magistrate his security mesures suck and he should be more careful.

The caravan arrives at Greenfield a small farming community that has been having trouble with raiders. Zartok is not able to sufficently convince them that he is not horror marked and must spend time outside the village with several others from the caravan that were similarly unable to pass inspection.

Jed on the other hand sung a wonderful southern dirge like song (the player actually sang a song made up for the occasion)
Dirk's immediate response "It's filk. You're obviously marked."

gaming, earthdawn

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