Ok, listen up bitches

Dec 03, 2007 16:49

Channukah starts tomorrow night. I have done exactly ZERO shopping for any of you (partly cause I haven't had time).

My wish list:
Instead of getting me anything give that money to a charity for me, or better yet donate some of your time, spend a few hours working a soup kitchen or something (its not like you don't have an evening to spare). I have more than I need, and while I appreciate that you may want (or feel obligated) to buy me something. I don't need it. But there are people out there who do.

Close the wallets and open your hearts (all 3 of them).

Thank you for indulging my annual rebellion against the commercialization of the season, and my own way of being greatful for the life I have

(look at me! I'm full of trite hippy crap!)


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