
Jun 26, 2011 22:51

It has been about 3 weeks since Millie got out of the house and went missing, and it pains me to accept that I will likely never see her again. I notified the microchip company when she went missing, walked the neighborhood numerous times looking/calling for her and posted lost flyers, as well as posts on Craigslist. It is depressing to have not heard anything but more so to recognize the slow acceptance and moving on without her. And it is in those quiet moments of realization that it hurts even more because I wonder if I could have done more and I am reminded that I have lost an irreplaceable companion who meant the world to me.

Millie was like my true-first born. I adopted her a few months after my divorce as a birthday present to myself and as a way to stave off depression/loneliness. She was the solid fixture in my life and I miss her so very much. I feel bad for Lucy, whom I adopted two years later to keep Millie company, as she was never the favorite cat but also because she has lost her companion and playmate. I am also saddened that I haven't had as much time for either since the girls were born, and I hope part of why Millie didn't come back wasn't that she felt unloved. It's bad enough that we didn't notice her absence for nearly half a day but she was deeply loved, even if I didn't always have the time to give her the attention she deserved. After all, I had known that when she finally got old and passed away that I would be taking time off of work. But this disappearing is worse. It reminds me of losing my mom because it is in that limbo area of not knowing if she's still alive somewhere (having hope) or if she's gone altogether (no hope).

The only real constant is that I want my kitty back.


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