Jul 16, 2005 04:16
I feel like I should be writing something down; documenting something of merit. But I find myself completely devoid of anything worth recording. Life is moving slowly lately. Well for me anyway. You people with productive existences probably began shaking your heads in disagreement the moment I said that; but thats my perspective. It feels like life is at a crawl. Nothing happens anymore. Not ever. I miss the days when I'd be able to contact any one of my numerous friends and we'd be able to go out and entertain ourselves in the most plebian ways. Be it raiding the URI campus, attending an awful local show, or just wandering various playgrounds, parking lots, and city streets being entertained by the company we kept. These days if I meet up with friends its a scheduled event with a very fixed agenda. Don't get me wrong I still have fun at these meetings but it feels like my friends have become a lot less accessible. Do I know why this is? Of course; everyone is growing up, building careers, saving money, establishing serious relationships, enhancing there educations, and so forth. Sure I understand the cause but that doesn't mean I like the effect. The less accessible my friends become, the more time I spend with myself, and quite frankly I'm piss poor company. The obvious answer would be to fill that void in my life by getting a job, finding a broad that compliments my stellar personality, and of course applying myself at the university. But lets be realistic, I am and will always be first and foremost a lazy sack of shit. And as such will piss and moan all day about my woes but never once take a step(proverbially of course, I'm still a cripple) toward rectifying the dreadful mess that is my life.