Apr 09, 2011 11:15
IT work is sort of like prostitution... It's not something you grow up wanting to do, getting into it usually involves a bad decision at a fairly young age, it usually involves respectable money for dealing with seriously dysfunctional people, it often involves night work and strange workplace injuries, most practitioners end up with at least one substance-related dirty (but not necessarily illegal) little habit, you get surprisingly little respect for the knowledge you bring to it and no recognition for the effort, you routinely get people you barely know thinking they'll get a freebie because "you live for this stuff!", the customer is basically paying you for the day in exchange for a few seconds of euphoric joy when the presumed-lost files are recovered, and by age 40, many people would leave the profession in a heartbeat if there was anything else they could do for comparable money (which, barring a move into management, has maxed out by that point). Oh, and the (private-sector) age discrimination issues are pretty similar.
But unlike prostitution, you never get to beat the customer, no matter how clearly the customer has indicated a desire to beaten. (And my customer has been a very bad, and very dumb, customer indeed...)