Oct 24, 2007 16:05
So I was sitting in my abnormal psych class today, watching a film on multiple personality disorder. This is way interesting shit, but what I got out of it was drastically different from what I probably should have been getting out of it.
1) This guy had a dog that he trained to stay out of the living room. The dog could sense when the guy would drop into his little boy alter. the dog would come in and hang out with him until he reverted. The guy didn't say anything or do anything to give the dog a cue. Dogs is P-sychic!
2) This same guy is a police officer, highly decorated and everyone on the force knows that the man has MPD, right? So they are cool with it. there is a reason for that. The guy effectively downloads personalities that he compartmentalized to be specialists in whatever police task he needs to perform. There is totally a Sci-Fi book screaming to be written here.
3) This lady has MPD and takes on several personalities, none of which wears glasses. When she is doing anything in one of her other alters she does not wear glasses. Not only that, but her vision becomes fuzzy if she is still wearing them in the other persona.
4) The early 90's were bad. I mean real bad, like Tone Loce sort of bad. Like bad hair and clothes and music scraped from dubious Canadian Mall floors kind of bad.
Hmmm got write up some notes before I forget them.