'The Couple in the Cave' Ep Reaction - SPOILERS

Oct 01, 2010 21:33

My immediate post-ep reaction, so I reserve the right to totally have a different opinion in a few days...

And I'm very conflicted about things so expect me to contradict myself a dozen times ...

On to my reactions:

Spoilers ... )

episode reaction, epis

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ayiana October 2 2010, 12:09:50 UTC
I think she's going to get bored in D.C. and pull a Sully and ride off into the sunset.

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure she's going to leave. HH and SN really seem to like the actress. But she will end her relationship with Booth, and as far as I'm concerned, that's good enough, especially since I like the character.

All in all, I feel heart-crushed for Brennan, a little ticked off at Booth, annoyed that Angela doesn't seem to be getting it, and hopeful - all rolled into one.

This is pretty much where I am as well, though having been through JAG I'm maybe a little cynical about how this could all play out. Part of me thinks s6 could be B&B's season, and part of me remembers JAG and thinks s6 might be B&H. Then s7 (assuming Bones survives a B&H s6) could be pretty much like s7 of JAG was. And God help us all if HH et al do an equivalent of the Paraguay arc on Bones. *shudder*

And can I close by saying how heart crushing it is that Brennan's so completely alone right now? She's going through something incredibly difficult, and there's no one, absolutely no one, she can turn to for support.


doc_3 October 2 2010, 13:43:04 UTC
Oh yeah, shades of JAG. At least I like Hannah - I couldn't handle a Renee or Brumby.

The one thing we have on Bones that we didn't have on JAG is that the actors and the show creators/writers seem to genuinely want a relationship between B&B at some point, which is a far cry from DPB&Co. So even though they may drag this out for some time, I think there's an eventual goal to have them together.

And I am totally heart-crushed at how alone she is. The whole "my life is exactly how I expected"? Gah.

I think Hannah may be around the whole season, because I do think they like her. But I definitely think they're setting things up so that she's the one to walk out on him. (WHich I can't say I don't think he deserves - I'm a little annoyed with Booth right now)


ayiana October 2 2010, 15:48:32 UTC
I'm a little annoyed with Booth right now

I am, too, though it has nothing to do with Hannah's existence and everything to do with the way he's treating Bones. I understand she hurt him, but he's really being obnoxious at times, and it makes me grind my teeth.


doc_3 October 2 2010, 19:00:23 UTC
Yeah, he's being a total jerk. I'm not saying it's all totally intentional - I mean, we've all had friends that were pretty obnoxious when they first found a new love and had to tell us about it all the time. But it's not as though she was cruel, or led him on, or broke his heart on purpose. He went for it - gambled - and it didn't work out. I see no need for rubbing it in that he moved on.

Okay,sorry, not trying to Booth-bash. I just get madder the more I think about it :)


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