'Cinderella' and 'Mayhem' Post-ep Reaction

Apr 17, 2009 08:41


I watched both eps back to back, so it feels like one long one.  This may be rambly - just a warning :)

- The last scene of 'Cinderella' was fantastic.  DH actually was watching with me and he loved her taking the bottle and giving him the glass.  He also admitted that he couldn't watch without staring at her boobs in that outfit.

- I thought the Hodgins/Angela moment at the bar was really angsty goodness.  Those two are destined!  (PS - How did Wendell get such hot friends?)

-Who doesn't love Gordon Gordon?

- Am I an idiot but which one of them is he saying is fighting the attraction?  I've always assumed Booth, but something about the last scene in Sweets office just seemed like it was her.  Maybe I'm just slow but it didn't seem obvious that it was one vs the other - it seemed like both of them are fighting it pretty hard.

- Her admission about the foster family broke my heart - loved that it broke Booth's too.  I thought he was going to cry.

-I'm glad we found out more about Sweets, and this ep seemed like Wyatt was passing the torch to him, which I can live with now I think

- All in all, I loved the second ep and only liked the first.  I'm starting to get a feel for how they plan to have her character undergo some changes this season, leading up to the finale.

What about everyone else?

PS - Britt - read your rant and you go girl!   

bones, episode reaction

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