Jul 10, 2005 00:45
So its 12:45am yet I can't get myself to open my neuro book to study. I shouldn't have come online at all. I spend the last 3 years going to random individuals xanga sites and just staring at the screen blankly, not even reading to the fullest. Hmm...........worked all day today and will be working all day tomorrow. What a life......I seem to be getting myself more and more tangled in a knot and can't seem to untangle myself. So, I got a research grant (yeh me) but havent had any time to start on it. Was hoping to do that after neuro ended in two weeks yet today at work I have promised my boss to devote more time to work after class ends. Me and my big mouth.
And then all this going on throughout the world. = ( I worry for the future of our children and grandchildren. A time will come when TOLERANCE will become an obsolete word that no one really know the true meaning of. I honestly say both sides of the party need to learn tolerance and need to stop exploitation of each other's soils. But, of course we live in a time of great people with great brains with great thoughts that will only lead to further destruction. can you tell im sad. But last words of wisdom on this subject you can not clap with one hand, you need true, HONEST cooperation of both sides.
That being said college is getting too me......I miss the rest of my CCNY friends. They all have off, how dare they, and have left me all alone to see the same faces everyday for two and a half months. Kind of getting annoyed with having lunch with same group of people and having the same convos about the same people over and over again. CHANGE IS GOOD. Can't wait for regular college to start in August. But of course I will be more busy then, and Marsh will be leaving me in a year = (. I think my last year at CCNY will be my hardest year since all my other CCNY friends would have graduated the year before.
******I think I'm finally going to study.......with all that loads off my mind it kind of helps. I think i can finally sit down to read. Hope I dont fall asleep (keeping my fingers crossed)