Oct 28, 2006 10:57
So, our canine friend appears to have a potentially life-threatening medical ailment, of which we should know more next week.
Recently, I obtained a very cheap collection of the original 'Battlestart Galactica'. Oh, it warmed my heart, it really had! I've only watched the initial story and would watch the others at a later time, but it reminded me of the charisma and mythical elements which have unfortunately been pushed to the way-side in the contemporary edition. The Cylons moved more fluidly than I remember them doing, which is a shame, but they way the saga was set up far surpassed the 2003 rendition. It managed to convey a real feeling of a futuristic Pearl Harbour. The newer concept fudged that aspect of it too much, although they might have done it differently, if they had to start over again, with the experience which they presently have.
Don't get me wrong, I do follow the newest and am reading transcripts! It just doesn't inspire me in the same way. I even write in an RPG about it, but do so with an original character. 'Farscape', 'Babylon 5' and 'Space: Above And Beyond' (the latter did happen to have a few flaws, but they were minor) were amazing on television. I'm still looking for something of that level for this decade!
That happens to be, in large part, why I am involved in helping to contribute to a new science-fiction franshise. The main creator of it happens to really like 'Firefly' (as some know, it did little for me, as I could see what parts they had stolen from places like 'Blake's 7', although 'Serenity' was OK) and the recent 'Battlestar Galactica', but that's the thing: Each member of the team have our own feelings about what does and does not function in such a project and are piecing together the best ideas and throwing away the worst of such. Diversity, for instance. It had always been a vital piece of a winning formula.
No, it's not paid. It's voluntary. We are, however, seeking artists and writers who could be interested. :)
One of those aspects is the possible transformation of it into an RPG board game. Those who have experience in that would be welcome to assist it.