Jul 12, 2006 12:22
it's just so fun, happy, cute, sad, meaningful, amusing, wacky
i had a weird dream right before i woke up. there was weirdness involving feeding a lizard. and then i was in a room with a bunch of people and there was a lightning storm and then there was this weird creature/mutant with a big head that was missing everything from the midsection down. it only appeared like twice as the lightning struck. then i knew it was going to pop up to me next so i didn't want to look away or blink my eyes but it didn't show up...and then it turned out that i was in a room with the x-men and the professor was giving them an important and inspirational speech before we were all going to go to sleep. i don't think it's an important detail, but my sleeping bag was next to wolverine's.
and then the night before i had a weird dream involving disneyland. in one part there was a really nice blind guy that needed help walking around so i was going all around with him and he was a neat guy and i think i started to fall in love with him. and one guy gave us this truly gigantic arrangement of balloons and the blind guy couldn't see the strings so he lost a few of them. and in another part of the dream i was among a group of people that had to try to stop an evil person from getting something important. it turned out there were two evil people involved, one of which was dracula so we were trying to stop them from getting whatever it was so one of our people could get it instead and i ended up having to hold on to hold onto dracula in a very odd and quite sexual position for awhile....there was also something involving a jagged knife and having to get it out of his hands so he didn't cut me. there was also a part to the dream that took place at an its conference and we were going to do part of play on! but it had been so long since i had seen the script and i was quite flustered.
and so much more dreaming but i suppose i'll stop here