(no subject)

Aug 25, 2005 12:03

Hello, Livejournal goers. i am currently sitting in the library at mcneil high school doing everything i should not be. There is an annoying girl across from me that is using the word fuck repeditivly hoping it will make her sound cool. Which really annoys me. I dont really like that word, especially when it is used in everyday speech.
For instance:
"where is my pen?" OR "where is my fucking pen?"
Honestly, u can do with out the word and just sound more intelligent.
The only time the word doesn't really bug me is when it is being used byDane Cook and when u are REALLLLLY truly angry/upset about something and the only word that can fully describe ur pain/anger is a good FUCK[ing].
I know there are times that i say it, but after it comes out of my mouth i think 'that was unnessisary.'

Im obviously very very bored.
I get my cizarr tonight. YEAAAh
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