Jul 01, 2004 10:38
...what a night. I don't think I've said that many prayers in years. And never that many for...children. So young. Too young for this to happen...too young to have to see death like this.
There was one little first year who reminded me of my nephew Elias, Andreas' oldest. Thank God they hadn't sent him here... That sounds rather...disloyal of me...but I can't help it. I had firetalks with Andreas and Elias, and with Nikolas, and Xenia. I did not feel up to a conversation with Mother, at the time, for several reasons.
I've started helping Albus with contacting the families of the dead. I hate that word, it shouldn't have to be used to describe children.
[Hexed against Sybill]
So help me, if I hear Sybill say "I knew this was going to happen" about this, it will not be pretty.
...I remember the only fight I ever had when I was in school. I was a third year and Father had just died. I heard a sixth year, Slytherin, say something about "Mudbloods". It took two teachers to pulls me off of him; my hands were bloody, and it wasn't my blood.