Player Information:
Name or Handle: Cakepan
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: current characters here?: Nope!
Character Information:
Character Name: Chell
Age: Unknown, but biologically somewhere in her mid to late twenties. Her chronological age is another story; she could be anywhere from her sixties to somewhere in her three-hundreds to even older, depending on how long she was in cryosleep.
Canon: Portal
Appearance: Chell is a young woman of above average muscle tone. Though she is not exactly “ripped,” it is clear that she is very active. Her facial features reflect both Asiatic and Brazilian traits. She has grey eyes and dark brown hair. Her skin tone is lightly tanned. The only thing she is ever seen wearing is the standard orange Aperture Science jumpsuit. During Portal 2, she undoes the top portion of this jumpsuit and ties it around her waist. This reveals a standard white Aperture Science tank top, underneath which is a sports bra. She also appears to be wearing some type of shorts beneath the pants portion of her jumpsuit, but they are never seen in full.
Personality: The most important thing to know about Chell is that she never gives up. Ever. She is within the 99th percentile of tenaciousness and it shows. Regardless of the obstacles that get in her way and regardless of how hopeless a situation seems, she never just lays down and dies (no matter how politely any “death options” are offered.) This tenacity also causes her to be more than a little bit stubborn. During the events of the first Portal she resolutely refuses to say absolutely anything to GLaDOS, despite it being likely that she was capable of speech at that point. This is a long-running trait of hers, according to the Portal 2: Lab Rat comic. Portions of her personnel file are shown, one of which shows that she completely refused to answer the question: “Why should Aperture Science accept you as a research volunteer, and would anyone file a police report if you went missing?”
Throughout her trials in Aperture Science, it is clear that Chell is both highly resourceful and good at solving problems creatively. Were she not, regardless of how tenacious she was, she would have never been able to solve her way through the puzzles presented throughout Aperture. Similarly, she must also be highly observant in order to note all of the “pieces” of the puzzle, even the less obvious ones, and to connect them together in a way that works.
Even her ability to think with portals would not be enough in some situations, however. This is where her capability to think quickly and remain calm under pressure comes in. When caught in situations of extreme danger, like death traps, she does not panic. She calmly and quickly assesses her environment and discovers a way out of the situation. Were she not capable of doing this, she would have been killed multiple times over.
Chell also expresses the ability to do what needs to be done. Whether this means destroying a harmful AI or teaming up with that same harmful AI, she does what is necessary in order to meet her goal. This does not mean that she is inherently violent or murderous (despite what GLaDOS would have you believe.) She expresses enough sympathy for a malfunctioning turret, the “Oracle Turret,” to save it from turret redemption. If an AI, turret or otherwise, is attacking her, however, she will attempt to disable it or otherwise eliminate it. Chell has a very strong sense of self-preservation.
If, on the other hand, a previously dangerous AI is rendered harmless, Chell does not exhibit any vindictive or spiteful tendencies. Though she could have easily destroyed potato GLaDOS and attempted to continue forward without her, she instead chose to accept GLaDOS’ offer of teamwork. Though she is not stupid and knew that GLaDOS would likely betray her, Chell realized that working with her was the best chance of escape and refused to allow revenge or spite to get in the way of that goal.
Background: Canon point: Directly after the events of Portal 2. Chell has at last escaped from Aperture Science and is now alone, aside from a companion cube, in a large field of wheat.
Special Abilities: Aside from her creative problem solving and ability to think quickly and calmly in tense situations, Chell is also quite talented with a portal device.
Sect: Civilian
Job: None yet!
First Person: [A woman looks curiously down at the datapad, before narrowing her eyes at it. She appears to be highly suspicious of the device. For a moment or two she holds this position, before tilting her head to the side and pointing at the screen. The jabs her finger at it twice before once again pausing. Her brows furrow and her lips purse in thought. At last she begins to fiddle with the device again, switching from video to text.]
why have i been brought here and given this?
[Almost immediately she switches back to video and gives the camera a hard look. She has been watching the feed long enough to realize that this isn’t Aperture and likely not any sort of trick. She had yet to understand the reasoning behind bringing her to this place, however.
She stops recording and the video ends.]
Third Person: Chell’s breathing was heavy as she ran across the catwalks. Adrenaline pumped through her veins making her senses ever more acute. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest; the sweat dripping down her brow; the grime that still covered her entire body from slogging around in old Aperture. She could hear the metallic racket of her long fall boots as they hit the mesh of the cat walk and the pleas of Wheatley to come back. To just come back and everything would go back to the way it was when they were friends. Didn’t she remember that? Hadn’t that been a grand time?
Another gulp of breath fueled her legs to pump that much harder; to get her to move that much farther. Chell just kept moving and moving until she came to a dead end. To what seemed like a dead end. She glanced up at the vertical portal surface above her and down to the horizontal portal surface below her for but an instant, before shooting a blue and orange portal on each, retrospectively. She jumped through the orange without hesitation.
Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.
Shooting out of the blue portal, Chell kept some of the momentum she gained from the jump in her running speed. She didn’t trip over her legs. She didn’t so much as stumble. She just kept moving. Moving until she could see a door ahead. The only thing blocking her path was one of those hideous turret cubes Wheatley had created. Just a little bit further-
A spike plate zoomed past her, barely an inch from her face and imbedded itself in the wall. Chell backed up, blinking. For an instant she just stared. The crunching of concrete as the plate was removed brought her back to reality. She glanced over at the wall, where the frankenturret was smashed before firing an orange portal over above the other side of the catwalk. It could no longer be crossed. It had been crushed.
Walking through the blue portal on her side, Chell could hear Wheatley again.
“Let the games begin.”
Her expression went even harder.
The games had already begun long ago. There was just a different enemy now.
Anything Else: Nope!