Feb 07, 2008 21:43
These days have been wonderful!
♠ I have watched Water Boys 2. This is a very good dorama! ~ I'm loving it! ♡ Hayato as Eikichi is so cutie. *_* And the other boys are so... fanboys of Eikichi! Just like me! huahuahua xD And Shiori is cutie too!
Ok, but actually I downloaded it to see Takkii ~ And he is .... hot! *O*~ I'm just wondering if he was so hot at that time.... TRY TO FIGURE NOWADAYS! ~ *____*~
♠I'm also wathing Tadashii Ouji no Tsukuri Kata. And yes. In epi 5 we all can see that Takkii is really really freaking hot! ~ *O* Because of it I've just made this new icon!~
♠I'm watching Kamen Rider Kiva too. Seto is nyahhhhhhh weird but cutie! BUT OHMYGOSH I LOVED TAKEDA'S CHARACTER!!! Ok, I just don't understand some things because I can't watch tokusatsus and take this kind of stuff seriously. I apologize for tokusatsu fans but.... IT'S CRAPPY! ~ But, ok, Setomaru is there, and so are Takeda, Kumai, Katokei and Takieiji.... so... I'll keep watching. ~
♠ Yesterday, february 6, was our anniversary ~ nee??? Congratulations for us! /o/ Dears, I love you! And nothing is more perfect than watching all tenimyus to celebrate it! Ok, not all... but we could see 1st, 2nd and 3rd casts... WAHHH! They are so ijgçoigdufhgdui MUCH LOVE ♡ ♡ ♡ !!!! And, uh, watching these kind of thing with people that I love made me cry! *pega na ameba* I CRIED TOO MUCH!!!
♠ Part in portuguese: WAHHH, os coreanos são legais! Eles se slasheiam por que se amam pelas fans! T_T~ Façam isso tbm, japoneses, plzzz!!! D;
I have nothing else to write here. So, byeee! ~