Day 1 - How did you become a fan? (answered
Day 2 - Your first impression of each member.
First impression... well, I will try to remember it. xD
Yuuyan: I think my first impression about him is the same one I have till now: a natural lider ♥
Yanagi: Cute boy with a marijuana planting in his garden.
Channaka(still a member that time): Girly gay boy ♥
Shirota(still a member that time): Dorky and pretty half-japanese boy ;; ♥
Igarashi: Not liked him at the very first, and also thought he looked older. But I changed my mind when I finally saw a "father" image on him ( ´∀`) it can sound weird though. LOL But untill now I usually say "I want him to be the father of my children" :)
Makkun: can't remember... (°◇°;) but it was probably his smile ♥
Zukki: Dorky and funny boy. And already married with Araki!(´∇ノ`*)ノ
Araki: Beesha! Purpurin! Also a girly and gay image! But since the beginning he is a seme for me!!
Kaji: at first I had an "ikemen" image of him...
Minakawa(still a member that time): Acrobatic boy! <3 And I love so much his smile! Plus, I always mistook his name (LOL) but it wasn't even Minagawa, I usually say "Namikawa" (what?) hahahah xD
Shingo-chan(still a member that time): At first he was a girly boy for me. But suddenly I had an oposite impression... a rocker guy ♥
Seto: Cute and shy boy. I mean, baby. He was just a baby and looked like a rat 8D *glomps*
Kumai(still a member that time): Shy boy ♥
Tomo: Baby. ヾ(*д*)ノ゛ But with a manly voice. Soon I thought he and Seto were the Uke pair xD
//--the fellow members joined the group when I was already a D-BOYS' fan. Then, for almost all of them my first impression was the same: "I don't care about you...( ̄□ ̄;)" and days later "I LOVE YOU!!!(人´∀`*)" ----//
Makki: I didn't care about him at the very first(↑↑↑). But some days after that, he entered to Tenimyu cast, so I fastly felt in love with him <3 (↑↑↑)
Masayan(still a member that time): (↑↑↑)"TALLER THAN SHIROTA???" was my impression!!! <<<333
Usui: (↑↑↑) Just... a baby. xD
Mikamin: hmm, can't really remember. o_o eeehh??? Stupid me ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━...I think I didn't care about him? (↑↑↑)
Adachi: That (↑↑↑) doesn't apply for Adachi. xD My first impression of him was "a weak and shy boy".
Taito: I hated him ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ" awnn I was a bad girl...
Ryuki: hated him too. (/ _ ; )
Yamada: Didn't care (↑↑↑) but felt in love with him really fast (↑↑↑).
Arata: (↑↑↑) ... but I was happy he won the audition somehow! ♥
Day 3 - You have a bias (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 4 - You also have a least favorite (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 5 - Talk about your favorite “behind the scenes” moment(s).
Day 6 - Talk about your favorite stageplay.
Day 7 - Do you watch their live performances/events? (Online or in real life)
Day 8 - Talk about your favorite choreography.
Day 9 - How well do you follow their individual work outside of the group? (<- I guess no one will answer "I don't follow them well" LOL)
Day 10 - Favorite picture of: Endo Yuya, Yanagi Kotaro, Adachi Osamu
Day 11 - Favorite picture of: Seto Koji, Yanagishita Tomo, Araki Hirofumi, Suzuki Hiroki
Day 12 - Favorite picture of: Igarashi Shunji, Wada Masato, Kaji Masaki, Horii Arata
Day 13 - Favorite picture of: Makita Tetsuya, Mikami Masashi, Usui Masahiro
Day 14 - Favorite picture of: Hashimoto Taito, Takahashi Ryuki, Yamada Yusuke
Day 15 - Your favorite picture of the group. (<- Can't answer to this. I love all pics.)
Day 16 - Only one member each: Hug. Cuddle. Kiss. Make out. Sex
Day 17 - Five of the D-BOYS are actually a sentai group. Pick their colors.
Day 18 - What animal represents each member?
Day 19 - What food represents each member?
Day 20 - You see them somewhere on the street. Now what?
Day 21 - You can only give them one present in your lifetime. What is it? (<- "ME" lol)
Day 22 - Post a picture of all the D-BOYS merchandise you have.
Day 23 - Cost aside, what is one D-BOYS thing you wished you owned?
Day 24 - Change one thing about each of the boys.
Day 25 - Which graduated member do you want to see come back?
Day 26 - How have D-BOYS changed you? (<- too complicated to answer it)
Day 27 - What would you like to see them do in the future?
Day 28 - One word that described D-BOYS.
Day 29 - Your thoughts on each member now.
Day 30 - Write a letter to the group.