Title: To Distraction
Author: Perrien Puck
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: James/Peter, light Remus/Sirius
Feedback: Feed the poor college student fanfic writer! Dooooo eeeet.
Disclaimer: La de da, the Marauders and their fictional universe are not mine! Woe is me! I own nothing ‘cept my kinks and my perverse plotlines. And even those are on rent.
Summary: James is complaining about his lack of plans for Valentine’s Day to anyone who will listen. Sirius and Remus are not as caring and understanding as he demands. Peter-on the other hand-is all too ready to offer his own unique distractions. D/s and moderate belt and tie bondage; some mild masochism implied. A sympathetic!Peter/bratty!James fic, so be warned.
Word Count: 5026
Author’s Notes: Written for the
Chain My Heart My Twisted Valentine Challenge at
hpship_add. My first Marauders fic, so try not to be too scathing. This idea came about after lurked around
deleterius and hearing the laments of many a sane fangirl who are tired of the gratuitous Peter bashing. Though I by no means condone his betrayal and turn to Voldemort’s side, I have to admit that the character has grown on me, especially his younger self. So this is dedicated to the sporkers and closet Peter fangirls of the world [though they’ll will never read this, natch] who are sick of seeing Wormtail relegated to ugly!fat!idiotic!pathetic!fanboy territory.
***Beta’d by the self-sacrificing love of my life,
meleigh. The last day of each month is cleared on her calendar to help me get these fics up and out. *snoggles shamelessly* ***
My Whiny Valentine Cross-posted in circles.