Title: My Constant (Prologue)
snugglebud_x3Summary: Sometimes I wonder if I could have made it through my seventh year at Hogwarts without a certain bespectacled boy whose sole purpose previous to that fateful year was to annoy the hell out of me.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Lily/James is the main one.
Other Characters: Marauders, Death Eaters, Hogwarts students, teachers... basically nearly everyone who was alive during the Marauder Era.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the wizarding world are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. I own nothing except my own ideas, and make no profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me.
Author's Notes: This has been posted to a few sites prior to now, but I decided to post to LJ because I'm on here more. I have chapters 1-17 written and chapters 18-21 written in my head, and all the rest planned out, so enjoy =] I'll post a new chapter every few days? Hopefully?
Sometimes I wonder if I could have made it through my seventh year at Hogwarts without my friends.