Title: In Good Company
Author: Númenora
Characters/Pairing: Boromir, Denethor.
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Book/Source: LotR, also movie-verse.
Disclaimer: All characters are Tolkien’s.
Written for
tolkien_weekly ‘What Might Have Been’ challenge.
Boromir stood before his father as Lord Denethor fought to suppress his anger and disappointment. His physical wounds healed, Boromir bore a new pain for having failed to grant the Steward his ‘kingly gift.’
He loved his father, but Boromir’s decision not to pursue the One Ring was just and true and his pledge to follow Aragorn stood firm in his heart.
Kissing Denethor’s sweaty brow, Boromir turned to go. Faramir needed help to defend Osgiliath and he wanted to be ready should Aragorn call for aid.
Faramir would no longer be Denethor’s least favorite son-Denethor now had two.