Dec 05, 2009 00:10
There are many thoughts in my mind but they aren't really coming out in words as I wished. It's always like this whenever the year is closing it's chapter and the next, unknown, one is unfolding.
2009 has been the most stressful year for me - 12hrs of work and no results, always not enough to fulfil the expectation, 30% decrease of income, losing fitness and feeling tired all the time. If you ask me, I seriously pray 2010 will be so much easier than this year please. These days I come back home only to find myself complaining to Yip and I feel like a broken record going over things all over again. But I'm not giving up yet. Not until I see the work I've invested reap...
Despite all that, I seriously hold true to things and relationship I've gained unconditionally also. I have Yipze to watch the days go by, friends who give and take unconditionally, good news of new boorn, strong relationship with my team, new hobbies and friends found through it and through it through, giving me perspective of letting things be and not being anal about it.
I'm working to be a better person - be more careful on details, be thoughtful and open heart to accept. That applies to my work, my work mate and personal mate.
Contentment? never...
Jo S - show me slaughter junior!