Dancing in the Crowd for
emmaheartscakeSOMEONE SHOULD WRITE ME EIGHT THOUSAND PETE/BRENDON FICS RIGHT THE FUCK NOWWWWWW. I love them so much it is absolutely ridiculous. But, seriously, every time I look for Pete/Brendon it is ANGST. I do not understand this! Where does it come from? In what universe do these two seem like they would be anything other than
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He's so ridiculously glad that Jay-Z(<3) and Beyonce are the first to get there, because he knows that Pete and Jay-Z(<3) get on alright because of their musician/entrepreneur thing and Beyonce has something in common with any of the singers in the room.
Ryan flicks both Jackie and Crystal on the forehead when they glare at Kanye and tells them that their faces will stay like that now unless they apologise and come find the good ice cream. They have a glare that equals their older brother's, whilst their Mom smiles at Ryan with motherly love and Kanye gets why Ryan thinks of her like his Mom.
Spencer's dad (Is his name Spencer? Something tells me it's Jeff...) shakes his hand and Kanye smiles as politely as he can because he doesn't really know how to talk to a middle-aged white man, but he seems to be happy with the short conversation. Ryan runs off with the two little girls as Kanye leads the parents into the living room, where Spencer and Pete all come to meet them. Pete gets to Ginger before Spencer does and she just rolls her eyes before giving him a big hug and asking how he is, ruffling his hair.
Kanye ducks out after this to go and find Ryan, who's in the kitchen on the floor under the table with the two girls and several pots of Ben and Jerry's. He crawls under the table with them and Ryan curls up into him and offers him a spoon. "You can't hide forever under here. We have friends." He says and Ryan nods, but doesn't move.
They leave the girls there after a little while to go and sit down for the dinner. The girls weren't ever going to eat with them, and in any case, they're better getting into a sugar induced coma than running around and annoying their brother and parents.
So, Ryan has this thing about his neck. It's not like he gets turned on by it, but it comforts him. Spencer had started it when they were young and his neck was the only part of him that was never aching for any reason. Later, it became because that was where his hangovers manifested themselves and the pressure was always welcome. He loves that Kanye finds his pulse to know that he's checking how fast Ryan's heart is beating. It's always a little fast and Kanye got very worried until Ryan had done the same to him and he'd realised what it was like.
Ryan tells Kanye a few days later that Rihanna had taken one look at Spencer and kept the fuck away from him. As much as she's confident in herself, she knows when to avoid being beaten at bitchiness by a man, not matter how gay he is.
Ryan goes over to distract Beyonce and Nate materialises at Spencer's side at soon as he does. Kanye hadn't even realised Spencer had a bitchface on until it drops, but being fair to him, it had been a very specific one. It involved words like "peculiar" and "excrement". Nate looks over to Kanye and then the stairs and Kanye nods. He thinks a beat down might upset his Mama more than sekrit sex between two men in a committed relationship. In any case, the most they'll do is push each other around the room, attached at the mouth. Ryan's told him.
At least the rest of them are getting on and in any case, he just needs to make a few motions about Spencer Smith's facial hair and Beyonce maybe listening to the song "The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know" would be a good idea.
Rihanna and Gabe actually head out together after dinner and Kanye doesn't hear back from her except for an exuberant thank you text from her after two days. When everyone's left, Spencer's parents and Mama sit at the table with Ryan and Kanye and have a quiet chat. They all seem happy with the arrangement and when Ginger sees Ryan grin, she seems all the happier with them both, she even hugs and kisses Kanye when they leave. Kanye's very happy with how the night went.
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