For snakevsladder - Not drabble challenge

May 10, 2008 22:55

I was reading snakevsladder's journal and came across something she had written about Frank/Gerard because no-one else was writing what she wanted.

So, I asked what she wanted and the reply I received went as follows:

oh man, i... don't remember exactly, anymore! but i think it was just something to do with frank and gerard and lots of UST and uncertainty between them, that sort of thing XD

And after looking up UST, because I don't really like text language and rarely understand it, I wrote this:

Interviewer: So, you've been chastised for your antics on stage, particularly the 'stage-gay', what's it all about?
Frank: It's just about kicking homophobia to the curb, right? (Looks to Gerard) We don't want people like that at our show.
Gerard:(nodding) Yeah. Like, sexuality isn't something to be ashamed of and, well, we like to make the shows a safe place. You know? Where everyone's equal.
Frank: Like, back home, in the punk scene, it's not welcome. At all. Kids I knew were scared of going because they wouldn't fit in. But I don't really think that's the point of music. It's just meant to be something that brings people together because they enjoy it.
Interviewer: You obviously are dead against it. Has there been anything in your past that triggered this?
Gerard: Well, I've always been someone on the outside. Because of prejudices and I don't want anyone to feel like that.


"Dude, like you're really pretty..." Frank hung onto the other man's arm as he laughed. "And you have a fucking great voice." He reached up an unsure hand to touch his throat, but then pulled back hastily.

"Hey, man?" Frank looked up at the taller man and blinked furiously. "You don't have to be afraid about touching people you know." Frank nodded and moved backwards, away from the other man.

"Yeah, I know... I'm just gonna." And with that, he left. The older man sighed and went to find his band.


Interviewer: Frank?
Frank:(Looking distant) Yeah, well I used to get beat up for my sexuality. And it's still frowned upon in some circles, but whatever. It's just a safe place, ok?


Frank was curled up in a corner, touching his face when the older man he'd met a few nights ago barged into the corridor.

"Oh, um... sorry" He said, turning to leave, but then looking at Frank again. "Hey, you ok?" He moved closer cautiously. "That cut looks pretty bad."

"Yeah, like I didn't already know that." Frank tried to stand and walk away, but only succeeded in falling into the other man.

"Hey, hey. I think we need to take you to the hospital." Frank sighed against the older man and nodded. "Come on." They walked together to the car park, the older man supporting Frank.

"I don't even know you." Frank said as he was bundled into a car. As the other man got in, he turned to Frank.

"I'm Gerard Way, I'm 21 and I'm taking you to hospital." Frank laughed at this man's, Gerard's, idea of knowing someone. Gerard started the car and began to drive.

"I totally still don't know you. I'm Frank, I'm 17 and I'm being taken to hospital by you." Gerard laughed at little, but continued to watch the road.

"What happened to you?" Gerard said, cautiously. Frank studied the man and noticed how he wouldn't look at Frank.

"I got beat up 'cause I'm half-fag." Frank said, with a hint of understanding in his voice. He watched Gerard's forehead wrinkle as he nodded.

"Oh. Well, me too."


Interviewer: Was that you giving me an exclusive?
Frank: (laughing) I very much doubt it. I married anyway, so it's not like it matters all that much.


"I've got a girlfriend, dude, we can't..." Frank tried to say against Gerard's lips. He didn't pull away from the older man, but he tried to stop it all the same.

"Yeah, kid. Me too. Not like it matters." Gerard pushed Frank harshly against the wall behind him and tilted his head to lick into Frank's mouth. Frank threaded the fingers of one hand into Gerard's hair and pulled, receiving a groan in return.

"Frank?" Ray's voice came through the door. "Gerard? You guys in there?" Gerard sighed against Frank and pulled away, straightening himself out.

"Yeah," he said, leaving a heaving Frank against the wall.


Interviewer: Gerard, you got anything you'd like to get off your chest, while we're at it?
Gerard: (laughing) Sorry, man, I said I'd give that exclusive to Rolling Stone.


"Like, that time in Houston...?" Gerard looked across the hotel room at Frank; legs pressed to his chest and chin resting on his knees. "Did you, y'know, want that?"

"I don't know what I wanted, Frank." Gerard turned to look out the window at the clear black sky.

"Do you want that now?" Frank hadn't moved, but was fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes. I do." Gerard got up and left the room, leaving Frank with a phone in his hand and only one person to call.


Interviewer: Frank, you recently got married to your long-term fiance, Jamia Nestor. How do you feel about it?
Frank: It's amazing, knowing you love someone who's willing to love you back.
Gerard: He's over the moon about it.


Gerard watched Frank smile at his wife at their wedding. Gerard knows he screwed up. Because if he hadn't, it would be him that Frank was staring at, not Jamia.

And he can't do anything about it except watch him hold her hand and slide the wedding ring onto her finger. He stood in the crowd of happy people and let the feelings wash over him. There was nothing he could do now that could fix this and put him in Jamia's place.

So, Gerard watched for as long as he could. And when he excused himself, he missed Frank looking after him.


Interviewer: Is there anything you'd like to say to the fans?
Frank:(Leaning in) Sometimes making the best of a bad situation is all you can do.
Gerard:Keep your friends close, your enemies closer and your loved ones in your heart.

A/N: This didn't come out how I wanted... It took a path of it's own.

my chem, fic, snakevsladder, frank/gerard

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