Jan 10, 2005 22:05
i loooovvveee the littlest things that people do for you that mean so much. you all know what i'm talking about, the stupidest things that let you know how much people care about you and leave you smiling forreevverrr!
>>>like going to see a movie that you really arent interested in just because someone you care about wants you to see it, writing a poem/drawing a painting that mean so much even tho the message is really simple, sending random text messages, walking out of class with someone and talking about the most random things (like polka dancing) so that they dont cry or making cookies for someone because they had a bad day and putting sprinkles on top so that you smile! or even just giving you a hug when your not feeling ur best.
i have the best friends ever.. i love you all so much, you have no idea how lost i would be without you