Sorry Bush lovers but hes gotta go

Oct 09, 2004 15:32

Mind you I am not a political person by any means I was watching the debates and found myself yelling and screaming at the tv when Bush started talking...I felt like someone had given a monkey a microphone and he was just screeching.... the man thinks its ok to be trillions of dollars in the hole because we are in a war time...well I would agree with that if our military members were paid enough, and had the proper equipment to do their jobs...most of the humvees over there are not armored...if anyone has some sort of brains in their head that is the first thing that should have been taken care of...send the men/women over there more protection...such as bullet proof vests of better quality and stuff... Bush needs to pull his head out of chaneys ass and learn how to be a leader.... As for his comments about abortion I understand its against some religions to have an abortion but Kerry brought up a good point why should a 16 yr old who has been raped by her father carrying his child have to get the fathers permission to have an abortion...I dont think they should ban abortion I think if they did that we will have more unwanted children than we know what to do with.... look at the children waiting to be adopted right now...more kids than families willing to adopt...As for the tax breaks from either one bush or kerry I will never see a cent of money because I do not have kids or a full time Im shit outta luck there...I want to know what the plans for health care for those of us under 65 is...what kind of perscription plans will they have for us? we get sick too granted we dont have to take as many pills/medications as older people I know I could not afford medicine if I were to get sick right now... Im sick of hearing about I can do this for the people between 50 and 65 yes its great because my parents are there and reaching the ages and they need the help but what about me and my generation? we get stuck in the cold with fuck them until we can get something done for us I say vote Kerry hes not gonna go in the white house with a stick (or head) shoved so far up his ass that he doesnt know which way is north!

Sorry for the rant I feel like being bitchy and I think I have made my point! actually I dont know if I did or not I dont feel like reading what I wrote so it may not make sense at all! hope yall enjoyed reading it though!
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