Why do people always have to interfere? The picture of this little guy makes me feel so sad for him.
www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/mysterious-oriental-yeti-trapped-in-china/19428455 "[I]t is calling all the time -- perhaps it is looking for the rest of its kind or maybe it's the last one."
Local legends of a bear that used to be a man or the prospect of an Oriental Yeti (I'm pretty sure from here the regular Yeti would be considered Oriental, as well. I guess this one's extra-Oriental) made people interested. I guess it's just the blade of science, but it's nice to leave a little mystery out there.
I did a lot of research today. Maybe opening my mind to L.A. I don't know. I'd have so many more options, but I don't know if I really want to be there right now. I do know, though, that I don't want to keep doing what I'm doing (which is essentially nothing and wasting energy on negative thoughts).
Thinking constantly about too many things. I don't get bored but I do get crazy.
I keep writing, though. Lately I'm on fire. If only I could get the work fire going, then I'd really be stoked. (seewhatididthere?)