
May 15, 2009 14:01

I can't wait until I get to see all of my friends in Florida. 6 or so months being here is driving me insane.. not to mention allergies. I woke up coughing really bad because my throat was all tickly. I forgot my allergy pills at Aarons. Lucky for me it rained today so the pollen and stuff isn't too bad, otherwise I'd have to CONSTANTLY have a cough drop in my mouth, which is difficult when you are trying to eat or drink.
Anyways. So yes, I miss everyone dearly. Things are great with me and Aaron but I still miss the familiarity of home back in Florida.. not to mention the warmth. (or death heat lol) I've had this urge to just go out and do things but (and I'm not complaining) all there is to do is hang out with Aarons friends. It's not that I don't like them.. I do.. I just don't Know them. I want to be able to sit across from my friends at a table in some resturaunt and just catch up on new times, laugh about old times, and just enjoy each others company. I want to be able to do that frequently, not once or twice a year. I'm not even 100% possitive (more like 75 to 80%) that me and Aaron will be able to go on this trip. Vehicles keep braking down, people keep being assholes. Everything isn't adding up like it used to, especially in the finace department. I just hope I start getting 150 a week during the summer like I was promised, then maybe my hopes will stop diminishing. Maybe I can get some more friends together and we can go to SeaWorld for a day. I told Aaron I would take him, Sharks are his favorite. I also told Beth I would buy a ticket to SeaWorld for her birthday. I'm just hoping for so much during this trip and I don't even know if I will be able to do it. Maybe I will just invite all of my friends to Dennys one late night or something. Even just that would be grand. It would make the trip more then worthwhile. Plenty of pictures will be taken of course. I honestly don't know what me and Aaron would do for the week or so that we will be in Florida. I just hope we don't get stuck sitting on a couch watching television. I want something to happen everyday, even if it's just walking around the mall.
I think anyone who reads this gets the idea. I'm homesick and miss my friends dearly. I shall end this entry here.
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