Aug 24, 2006 12:51
minding my own business, discussing things and stuff with ambar. we finish our drinks and were trying to decide on getting another one when ambar says "why dont we go smoke that (the joint i had behind my ear) and then we'l see" normally i wouldnt smoke in a bar but she seemed o determined i decided what the we wander over to the smoking section and i light it.....ambar then notices that its a joint and not some wierd cigarrillo (why she thought i woul be carrying those is beyond me) so i am standing there smoking and a girl comes over for some and then a guy walks up loking at me, so i offer him some too, trying to be neighborly and al....until he says "GET OUT!" it was pretty classic the look of anger and bewilderment when i tried to share, oh well...we wandered down to the next bar and there were a bunch of people we knew. it was sort of surreal.
P.S.xoxo porkchop