omfg it's a lion get back in the car

Jun 18, 2008 17:17

*One door. He was off by one stupid door. Three more feet and he'd have been at the kitchen, but no. Near swears the mansion switches more than should be possible ( Read more... )

!room, horror film room, near

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firm_detective June 19 2008, 03:41:50 UTC
*As the cacaphonous susurration begins around him, and he notices that he has a coconut in one hand and a hunting knife in the other, he says out loud, to no one in particular,*

Hm. This is not the kitchen.

*The volley of unintelligible whispers increases in volume, and the corn begins to waver and flex, as if something is moving through it, slowly stalking him.*

[[OOC - There's no way he could ever have seen Lost -- but I sure have!]]


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 03:51:34 UTC
*He may hear the voices of other people, fighting the various monsters, what have you, and screaming.*

*Near, for example, is racing at breakneck speed through the corn, using the rows to navigate, one of the somethings following him.*


firm_detective June 19 2008, 04:09:14 UTC
*He can hear faint, distant carrying on and screaming, but it's under the whispers, which have gotten very loud.*

*He looks around him for the door, but can't see it. Then, he looks more closely: far away, above the top of the corn, he can see the molding around the frame of the door. What he experiences is not so much fear as exasperation... until something comes hurtling out of the corn near him, heading straight for him.*

*It's a surprise, and he starts at it.*

*It's... Near?*

*He steps out of the way just in time to avoid a collision, and says,*

Near! What is this room?


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 04:14:09 UTC

*Stumbling to a halt, obviously upset, agitated. Zombie brains on his feet, slime from the cloverfield-creatures, Light's blood staining his shirt and dirt and leaves everywhere from being dragged through the corn.

Keep your voice down. They'll hear us.


firm_detective June 19 2008, 04:26:07 UTC
... "They"? The people who are whispering?

*He takes in Near's appearance -- is he bleeding? -- and as he does so, he realizes that the crashing in the corn is growing steadily closer... and was not Near. The whispers have reached an annoying volume.*

*He lowers his voice, but tries to keep it loud enough to be heard over the din.*

What are you running from?
I have, for some reason, a knife and a... coconut.

*About twenty-five feet away, there's suddenly an explosion of corn plants, as if something heavy has fallen on them, and a buzzing, clicking noise.*

We'll go. The direction you were going. NOW.


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 04:28:56 UTC
Right. *Near reaches out a hand for him and starts running again, holding on. Arm across the face again to portect himself from the corn leaves, no idea where he's going except away from what's behind him.*

Keep the knife! *He shouts as they bolt.*


firm_detective June 19 2008, 04:50:05 UTC
*He has no intention of dropping the knife, though he's not sure how much help it will be against an antagonist who is, thus far, invisible.*

*And what use is the coconut? Near probably won't be able to do much with it. When there's some distance between them and the crashing, he says,*

Wait --

*and pauses to turn and throw the coconut in the direction of the crashing.*

*It hits something and is slammed to the ground.*

All right, run again....

*The crashing, still about twenty-five feet away, suddenly seems to be snaking to their left side. He pulls Near in the opposite direction, and continues running. He hates running, but the adrenaline now pumping through him is making it easier.*

What -- is happening in here, Near?

*he gasps out, as they move towards the door as quickly as they can.*


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 04:54:42 UTC
It's a horror film. It's every horror film. There are- *breathless, he's been here so long, he's exhausted* -zombies, and ghosts, and Light is dead, and-

*He has to stop talking, he feels like he's going to die. Even adrenaline can only carry you so long.*

We need to get out of the field- the doors in here, they protect them. They vanish. The farmhouse has the way out, when it opens...


firm_detective June 19 2008, 04:59:18 UTC
*He's dismayed.*

Light's dead? Which Light?

*He hauls Near along by the arm, with long-legged strides.*

All right... farmhouse... we're approaching a door, about... thirty feet....

*He makes the last few strides to the door, and it vanishes. There is another crash, fifty feet to his right: the enigmatic nemesis has changed course, again, and the volume of the whispers increases.*


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 05:02:02 UTC
I don't know, I don't know, I don't--

*He stumbles, and almost falls into L.*

Watch out for the zombies. And the werewolf, and don't go too near any of the scare crows, they come alive, and avoid glowing and the ghosts are telekinetic and will hurl sharp objects.

The field is too dangerous. The house should be visible, it's on a hill.


firm_detective June 19 2008, 05:10:10 UTC
*Near is clearly panicked, and there's obviously more in this room than what L can currently see, though he is not convinced by talk of zombies, werewolves, and telekinetic ghosts. The most important thing must be to find this hill, this farmhouse.*

Stop and breathe. I need to scan the horizon -- then we can establish a direction to pursue.

*He looks around. The slope of the room changes -- no, that's not a light in a window; it seems to be the glowing they need to avoid. But -- wait -- there -- that's the definite shape of a structure.*

Near, I'm sorry to say -- it's quite far away. We're going to have to run again, I think.

*There is a clicking sound, then an explosive crash in the corn fifteen feet to their left. He maintains his grip on Near's arm as he hauls them both to the right.*


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 05:15:47 UTC
*He's rattled, but he pulls himself together, letting L pull him and taking a long, slow breath. His composure visibly returning, he nods.*

Alright. I'll listen for danger, you lead the way.

I can do this.

*He's not a successor for nothing.*


firm_detective June 19 2008, 05:31:39 UTC
You'll need to keep your balance -- *he huffs, jogging, scanning the area around them as he moves* -- so I'm going to shout out directions when we must -- change.

*They run for about twenty feet, and he shouts,*


*and dives in that direction. They are almost out of the field, but there is a loud crash in front of them and to the right.*

What -- IS -- this thing?

*Then he thinks to himself, through the haze of adrenaline, It doesn't matter -- the point is to avoid being crushed by it.*


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 05:35:14 UTC
Ahead, there's--

*Near manages the quick turn, and at least something is working in their favour. A group of zombies is visible ahead of them, in a circle of trampled corn- probably from the Cloverfield monster, when it was still around. They're chewing on what looks like a dead farmer, though, so don't pay attention to L and Near as they run by.*


firm_detective June 19 2008, 05:45:51 UTC
*He sees the zombies, but has no time to react with skepticism, except for tightening his hold on the knife. The sight of them eating the dead farmer is distasteful, and he reminds himself that it isn't real.*

Saw them.

*There is a rattling and clicking, a low roar, and a crash behind them, and that party of zombies is suddenly smashed and flayed, bits of them flying everywhere.*

We're getting a bit closer -- to the house -- now.

*As he hauls them both along, the susurrations begin again, rising to a low chant.*


coordinated_n June 19 2008, 05:50:19 UTC
*The children of the corn are watching gleefully too, nursery rhymes rising out of the fields, occasional eyes peeking through the stalks.*

The door is on the side farthest from the field! The ghost first emerged further away from here, and hasn't appeared anywhere else, so there's a sixty percent chance we'll avoid her.

*Comforting himself, mostly.*

We'll pass the scarecrow soon- it almost killed Mello, be careful.


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