Mar 25, 2008 21:21
::walks out of his room and down the hall, hoping no one see's him while he's on his way to his destination. Now that he is a boy (temporaryly, of course. Read through puppyMatt's post, directly below this one), he's decided to disguise himself a little. In his closet, he found a wig that matched his hair color, which he is now currently wearing. It's shorter than his normal long hair and is actually about the length of Light's hair, in the same kind of style. He quietly creeps down the hallway, careful not to make any noise. He's wearing black stretch caprie's, fuzzy pink bunny slippers, and no top. He creeps quietly down the hall, on his way to L's room ((ooc: JusticeIsHot. I tried to put it in the livejournal user code, but it was messing up, so, there we go. :P )). ::