[Light steps backwards through the wall. That's right, through the wall. His skin is ashen grey, his eyes yellow, and his forehead is adorned by a row of
seven dark cross-shaped marks/scars. To those who have seen
dreamsofgenesis in her Noah form, this is undoubtedly familiar. What may be less familiar is what he's holding in his right hand; a heart - a literal one - dripping blood onto the floor.
He turns around, and frowns ever-so-slightly when he sees that he's not where he thought he was.]
My, my, what is this?
[A dark purple butterfly emerges from his left hand without leaving a mark, as though a coming through a portal in Light's very flesh. Its upper wings are adorned by twin pale marks like unto spades on playing cards. It flutters across to Light's right hand and starts devouring the heart. Always handy to have a helper or two in the act of cleaning up, no?]