and I wonder if I'm alone... in your head.

May 25, 2010 22:58

[It's the bar that Matt's looking for yet again, but this room is what he finds; he stumbles in, looking around for the counter and the booze.]

What the hell is this? [He doesn't recognize it.]

This is a place you're not gonna like being. [The voice is new, coming from his left; Matt turns, blinking at... another double? Who looks basically exactly ( Read more... )

good and evil room, revisit, matt

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dreamsofgenesis May 27 2010, 03:24:00 UTC
[Upon walking into this room, Noah!Misa feels a strong urge to switch to her black form, and so she does. Grey skin, yellow eyes, the row of cross-shaped marks across her forehead. She grins savagely and starts to laugh.]

N-No. [That's another Misa, this one in white form, curled up and whimpering in the corner.] I-I haven't... I wouldn't...

[Black Misa nudges the other with her toe, still laughing.] Wouldn't what, precious?

[White Misa scrambles back with a shrill scream.] D-Don't touch me! Monster!

Oh, I get it! [That was black Misa, who now appears even more amused.] Oh, precious Princess, I am you! [She crouches down beside white Misa and wraps her arms around the other's trembling form. White Misa shakes her head and tries to pull away, but black Misa just holds her tighter.] I am. You saw my shadow in the mirror before we became one, didn't you my precios host? [White Misa screams.]

[Black Misa:] Don't be like that, beloved host. We're going to end humanity, together, after all~. [White Misa just cries, turning her face away from black Misa's disgusted sneer.]


hassatower May 27 2010, 14:06:03 UTC
L walks into the room quietly.He had been looking for this Misa for a while now.When he walks into the room he sees another him with a mask on looking at him with a smirk.
"Well look at the mess you got us into now. mad!VaL said and crossed his arms.VaL just stared at his evil self with a confused expression then looked at the two Misas in the room questionally as if asking what was going on.


dreamsofgenesis May 27 2010, 14:20:14 UTC
[Black Misa turns to VaL with a smile.] Hmm, hello weakling♪.

[White Misa looks up to glare at black Misa.] Leave him alone!

[Black Misa:] And miss out on my fun~? [She giggles.] No way, beloved host. He's my toy now, and I'm gonna see him broken~. [She takes a step towards VaL.]


hassatower May 27 2010, 20:04:50 UTC
evil!VaL didn't move at all when black!Misa stepped forwards. He was not going to show he was weak but the other VaL slowly took a step back.
"Coward..." evil!VaL said to his other and good VaL stared at him.The he looked back at BlackMisa "Who are you calling your toy?!"


dreamsofgenesis May 28 2010, 00:04:05 UTC
[Black Misa lets loose a laugh like a Light or Mikami at their most crazed. She raises her arm, and a plethora of sharp-tipped candles materialise around her.] Weeeellll, you do seem like you'd be more fun~.

[White Misa lunges weeping at black Misa's feet.] Stop, please. Please don't, please.

[Black Misa shakes her other half off without a word.]


hassatower May 28 2010, 00:36:57 UTC
evil!VaL looks unimpressed he has never seen anything like this in his world but he thought that it would be best to him that he acted like he wasn't afraid.Good!VaL on the other hand had his mouth gaping open and looking shocked at what black Misa was doing.


dreamsofgenesis May 28 2010, 00:46:35 UTC
[White Misa curls up in the fetal position, hiding from the world and crying. Ignoring her, black Misa lowers her arm to point at evil!VaL. As she does, the candles begin to turn on their side, sharp tips pointed in his direction, flames on the other ends never going out. Black Misa's expression is something like that which has dubbed the 'slasher smile'.]


hassatower May 28 2010, 01:14:20 UTC
evil!VaL slowly backs up a step. Good!VaL runs over to the white Misa and hugs onto her tightly as if trying to comfort her.


dreamsofgenesis May 28 2010, 02:37:46 UTC
[Black Misa gives another Yagmai laugh, and the candles go flying in evil!VaL's direction, seeking to hurt but not to kill, not yet.

White Misa flinches back from good!VaL, eyes wide and distrustful.] Y-You're not actually W-W-Wisely, are you?


hassatower May 28 2010, 02:54:58 UTC
"No...I'm VaL..." he said quietly and watched as Black Misa "Don't worry though you can trust me..."
Evil!VaL dodges a few of the candles but on hits his arm and his side and he winces slightly in pain and glares at Misa...he was not going to let this girl break him.
"That all you got?!"


dreamsofgenesis May 28 2010, 03:10:03 UTC
[White Misa clings to VaL, still sobbing.] Sh-she's Noah's Dreams... And usually she's part of me... D-Don't trust her... us...

[Black Misa:] Of course not~. [And then she summons her dream dimension. This time she's made it a dark, water filled cavern filled with floating dolls and gift-wrapped boxes. Evil!VaL's in the water up to his knees, and it's slowly rising. There's no sign of Misa, but her voice echoes around the cavern, sounding as though it comes from all directions.] Let's see if you can get out, VaLentine~.


hassatower May 28 2010, 04:29:19 UTC
"Noah's dream?" he said with a slightly confused look but after a second he hugs onto her a little tighter "What is she doing to the other me?" he sounds slightly concerned when he asks.
Evil!VaL looks around the cavern and quickly tried to find a way out. "Damn you!" he scream in the air when he didn't find a way out after a minute or two and he felt the water pass his thigh. He could swin but what would happen when the water hit the ceiling of the cavern...he was going to die wasn't he? Oh great.


dreamsofgenesis May 28 2010, 09:03:07 UTC
[White Misa:] She's playing. [She spits that word, sarcastically.] You don't want... She's like the cat to your mouse or canary.

[Black Misa's voice once again echoes around the cavern.] Can you find the way out, VaLentine~? Can you find... me~? [The dolls begin to swirl around him like a tauting whirlwind. Maybe she's taken the form of a doll in this dream. Maybe she's somewhere else entirely. The water continues to rise.]

[[Do let me know if I'm taking this too far. The powers of Noah's Dreams can get a little, ah, godmody XD ]]


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