Ring around the rosie

Apr 11, 2010 10:01

[Lawli doesn't like when he crawls in through the window ( Read more... )

b, arrival

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ls_rueflection April 13 2010, 05:18:26 UTC
[Not a moment later, Beyond spots said man several feet away, just entering the hallway as well... which is odd. How many bloody rooms are there? Pff, and he thought Lawli was spoiled before; just look at the size of this place. Would it even fit on the back roads?

That train of thought is dropped flat on its face when Lawli turns towards him, appearing beyond pissed. Because of the breaking and entering? He swallows, mind whirring to think up some method of earning a semblance of forgiveness. The man's not usually furious enough to actually allow emotions to become visible, even if Beyond would prefer it.


Lawli likes sweets. And... solitude. B purses his lips, feet carrying him towards the man even as he recognizes the lack of snacks on hand. Solitude would be too hard, though.]

Lawli~ The door was open.

[Yea, that's not getting past his brilliant ringleader. Sometimes he swears Lawli was meant to be a detective with such a sharp mind. Even so, Beyond offers a perfectly innocent grin, pace picking up so as to close the distance as soon as possible.]

(ooc; It's fine. *dies* Poor B. Just trying to spend time with his Lawli. And apparently L as well., whatever happened there. *imagination*)


cliched_case April 13 2010, 07:14:08 UTC
[Due to L's current preoccupation with the situation he had just left, his first reaction to B's words were that of alarm. The door was open? Had this B watched what he had-- No... No, L distinctly remembered the bedroom door was closed. And certainly, the closet door, at least, had been shut the entire time.

[Then what did this one mean? ...Could he be a new arrival, mistaking the situation for something else? L hadn't the patience or interest at the moment to figure it out.]

Whatever you've done and whoever you think I am to you, Backup, know that you do not want to cross me. [His voice was unusually rough, eyes flickering dangerously, following B's movements.] Do not take another step.

((OOC: Yeah, I feel sorry for him. XD; And, it's a loong story, involving a long-term grudge, an attempt of B on L's life, B's death and subsequent confinement and revival, and then torture, death, revival, and more torture! Fun, fun... *cough* But if you reeaaally care to know the jist of L's reaction to B's, their unpleasant history is in his profile.))


ls_rueflection April 13 2010, 11:27:19 UTC
[Beyond's grin doesn't falter as he attempts to press even further into the innocent category. Lawli's beyond angry, obviously. He hasn't even softened. Maybe if he drops the nickname. He hates that, too.]

Mm... Backup? [He blinks, tilting his head some. The smile does lessen slightly, though it is primarily the result of confusion. Then he grins again, this time a bit more amused than faux innocent.]

Or what, L~? [The man knows how he is with orders. That was rather thoughtless of him if he indeed means it.]

(ooc; meh', he needs a reason to be pissy. *snickers* Yes, torture is fun. This B's not bitter, yet. I imagine this will change as he meets these L's more nad more. His world's L was a ringleader. *dies* So he had no way to really get away properly. *cracks up* Poor Circus-verse!L.]


cliched_case April 14 2010, 04:40:28 UTC
[A quick and precise fling of his knife, and he could take B down. L was aware of this. It could possibly be the easier way of getting out of this situation...but he didn't want to risk losing his only weapon. That, and such an action might only provoke this B further, once he revived. One intently murderous Beyond Birthday was more than enough to deal with. What was L to do if their number kept increasing...?]

[L's body assumed a more aggressive stance.] I will not play your games.

((OOC: Warning--get close enough to him right now and he will most likely stab you. >o>;; Just sayin'.))


ls_rueflection April 14 2010, 06:16:06 UTC
But Lawli~~~

I'm the one playing your game. What is this, ne? [His lower-class British accent laces itself throughout his words, now playful. He does try to mimic L's even dictionary pronounciation of shit, but it's so, so hard when he's excited.] Th'fuck happened to your trailer~

[Despite his seemingly insouciant attitude, he is certainly focused intently on the man's movements. Oh yes, he's fought Lawli before. B's stronger certain;y, but the man's like some sorta contortionist/acrobat hybrid with a wicked kangaroo kick. It fuckin' kills if you're careless.]

(ooc; Pff, like B could back off from an L ~ It's like heaven, copies of Lawli. Even if he gets stabbed. *snickers*]


cliched_case April 14 2010, 07:34:15 UTC
[Trailer...? L just did not want to know. But B hadn't made a move yet... Was it letting his guard down to hope this one was less aggressive? Still, L did not let up on a single tensed muscle, maintaining his stance.]

I am not who you believe me to be; I'm not the L you know. You've stumbled into a rift in time and space--and I don't care to convince you if you don't believe me. Think what you want, but do stay away from me.

[Civility was getting one chance, and if B abused L's patience... Well...]

((OOC: L feels like it's hell~))


ls_rueflection April 14 2010, 08:43:40 UTC
[Beyond blinked slowly. Once. And twice. Lawli always did this, tried to get rid of him, like his parents had- despite knowint it had the opposite effect; obviously he didn't mean it. Why order such a thing when he knows it would never result in his compliance? He just likes angering and upsetting B when the man acts out, e.g. sneaking into his trailer.

Though even this was extreme. He's actually glaring.

Beyond blinks at the man quietly and lifts an index to chew at lazily.]

Lawli, I don't mind letting you do your work. I was just bored. S'not too much more, yea'? Though you should to learn to take a break every now and then. [He chuckles.] It's just a flippin' circus.

(ooc; So B wins against the Mansion. <33)


cliched_case April 14 2010, 17:09:17 UTC
[The way B spoke, as if he and his L tolerated each other... Associated with each other, even (In a circus...?). Beyond's words were uncharacteristically disarming, nonthreatening. L wouldn't be so trusting, never with B...but his tone lost some of its edge.]

Does this look like a circus?


ls_rueflection April 14 2010, 17:56:48 UTC
Well. [He glances.] That is what I was asking about. Can we afford this?

[Beyond could feel a grin tugging at his lips, so fuckin' amused by L'a expression; he almost wanted to tackle him. But that ">|" meant business. If he does anything, he will likely lose visiting privileges. One time, he could only see him as an audience member for a member. It was depressing.

Then he interrupted mid-show and was allowed back. <3 Seemingly oblivious, he edges closer, humming a diddly.]

Mm, no, it's an ugly choice. We differ in some things, yea? Not that trick mirrors and stripes would be better. [Frowns.]


cliched_case April 15 2010, 01:39:40 UTC
Beyond. Stop. [He meant it both figuratively and literally. One step closer, and L may have to get violent. The detective wanted to step back--wanted to leave, in fact--but the way he had come to know B, it was like facing a dog. Retreat of any kind was invitation to chase.]

This is not a trick. You are not where you think you are. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I am not the L you know.


ls_rueflection April 15 2010, 04:13:45 UTC
[And Beyond does, looking a bit unhappy about it. He stares. Then glances around, rubbing his fingers into the back of his scalp.]

So you're not L. And this isn't a trailer. [The latter makes sense, but he's somewhat doubting the first. This is an odd trick for him to try, though. Who pretends not to be themselves without makeup?]

A rift in time in space. [He repeats.] This sounds a bit ridiculous... second-Lawli.


cliched_case April 16 2010, 00:53:22 UTC
It is ridiculous. That is why I couldn't possibly be trying to trick you with it.

In my world, you and I are enemies. We do not speak to each other. [The latter, of course, wasn't entirely true (depending on how one defines "speak"), but it made the point.]

I'm not going to start now.

[And L actually attempted to leave, though his eyes never left B, and he remained prepared for opposition.]


ls_rueflection April 19 2010, 19:06:56 UTC
[And B follows, finger hanging from his mouth.]

I'll play. In my world, you are my boss. [Grins.] When I allow it.

[He hums a little diddly, seeming to ignore the gravity of L's words. Afterall, how does his relationship with this other B apply to him? That is illogical.

the man snickers.

If there is one. This whole tall tale is illogical.]

Start wuh~?


cliched_case April 21 2010, 02:30:44 UTC
[With the futility of trying to leave as B followed him, L stopped walking, giving the other man a resentful glare. So often, L remembered, this ritual ended in a fight. He was ready for such a move from this B, but he was reluctant to start anything himself if there were any way to leave otherwise. L had had far, far more than enough of Beyond Birthday...to last him the rest of his life.]

[The B of his world was never as stupid as he pretended to be. L had the feeling this one was the same way.]

Stop following me.


ls_rueflection April 22 2010, 16:22:58 UTC
[He stops as well, exactly the same distance apart as before they had begun this walking game.]

Orrrr~ what?

[He grins into his finger, chewing resuming. It isn't exactly enjoyable to get kicked, but he can usually get in a good tackle. There aren't many opportunities to touch the great ringleader L Lawliet.]


cliched_case April 22 2010, 17:47:22 UTC
[He paused for a moment...and when he spoke again, his voice had lost some of its grit, though it was still very guarded, his glare remaining.]

...You're in a circus. What is your role?

[Perhaps this information was pertinent after all. If B had an actual act in the circus, it would benefit L to know the specifics. Anticipating this encounter would indeed result in a fight, L would be put at a disadvantage to be unaware of any special abilities this B might possess. If he were to be forced to endure B's presence, he would at the very least come to know him well enough to defend himself properly.]


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