It's like that twilighty show about that zone...

Mar 14, 2010 06:19

Beyond's sigh floated through the face mask. How long had it been? A year? Two years? Time disappears so easily when one is behind bars-well except for the numbers that counted down above people's heads.

Day in and day out it was the same. The same boring old monotony. B could feel his mind slipping away; he was becoming lethargic. This wasn't ( Read more... )

b, arrival

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logical_red March 14 2010, 23:32:54 UTC
[Blinking as he exits his and Mello's room, Matt makes sure to shut the door especially quietly; the blond still sleeping inside is pretty bad off, and he's pretty sure he'll be a noisy bastard if anything wakes him up before he's ready for it. But dammit, Matt's ready for food!

As he starts to walk down the hallway, he stops after just a few steps; there, a few feet down, is a rather irritated-looking B.

He blinks, lighting right up and sucking down a lungful of acrid smoke, calming his nerves.]

Need some help?

[[ooc: hi there! i fail at ooc comments on tags, sorry! >D this is Red, and he's pretty much your regular Matt, though he wears his goggles on his head instead of over his eyes, blue jeans, striped shirt, and he's barefoot; B's eyes'll show that he's got a day left to live.]]


beyondryuzaki March 14 2010, 23:51:27 UTC
B jumped; he was a bit startled by the boy's sudden appearance. Other than that, however, B seemed unimpressed. He brought one hand to his li-face mask as he looked the red head over. His eyes were piercing and probing.

One day was left on his counter. How...tempting. B shuffled closer.

“What is this place?”

((ooc: Hi. XD Nice to meetcha. ))


logical_red March 15 2010, 00:03:46 UTC
A mindfuck, that's what.

[He gives B a look, like "Dude, don't even try it."] Before you start getting all antsy in your pantsy, Backup, people don't die here. It's some weird interdimensional fuckup, pulling all kinds'a people from all kinds'a worlds. We all seem to have something in common, like Wammy's or the Kira case. [He takes another drag.] Watch out for the rooms, 'cause they do funny shit to you. Some rooms'll actually hurt or kill you, but those, thankfully, are pretty easy to dodge; just stay away from the ones with Xs on 'em.

[Should Matt explain about the copies of people? He contemplates this a moment, but decides against it; B's a big boy, and he hasn't seen another B for quite some time.]


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 00:31:29 UTC
B frowned-deeply. He was taken out of prison and brought to this place and now he was being told that it was impossible for anyone to die here? What new fresh madness was this? Was he still in his cell and having a psychotic break? Had the last thread of his sanity finally snapped like the prison's therapist had been predicting for the last year and a half?

The numbers over Matt's head were taunting. B actually felt like lashing out and attempting to kill the boy regardless; but he relented to his common sense for now. There was time and place for everything and the numbers had never lied to him before.

His eyes focused on Matt's. “How do you know who I am?”


logical_red March 15 2010, 02:32:13 UTC
Wammy's. [Another drag, this one to finish off the fag; he drops it carelessly onto the carpet, mashing it out with the toe of his shoe.] After a certain point - in my world, at least - you become somewhat of a legend. [Matt thinks this over a minute; maybe "legend" is the wrong word. More like "Bogeyman." He snickers lightly at that.]

Anyway. There're plenty of copies of everyone running around here. I've only met two of you since arriving here, I think, so... [He pulls his pack from his back pocket; taking another cigarette out, he lights up again.] Yeah. Haven't seen either of them for awhile, though.


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 03:00:24 UTC

Beyond chuckled at the thought of being a legend. Considering all that he had done in his own world, he wouldn't be surprised if he were a “legend” in his own version of Wammy's House. The shadow of Wammy's House, the one person that disturbed even L. That had a great ring to it. B smiled.

When B heard that there was more than one of him he could hardly believe his ears. Now that sounded like a good time; it made sense now why no one was able to die; having more than one B would cause the hallways to run red under any other circumstances. But surely there was still some fun to be had. It was clear from the look in his eyes that he wanted to set out to find them.

“How large is this.... 'mindf***'?”


logical_red March 15 2010, 03:14:48 UTC
[If Matt hadn't figured out already that this place wasn't going to actually kill him - Thank you, Death Room - he would've taken an alarmed step back at that.]

It's uh... [He scratches the right side of his neck, thinking.] Nine floors? Ten? Somethin' like that. Big-ass place, and sometimes the rooms'll mimic the outdoors. Those're always nice.

And I haven't seen the other Bs in a while. [For all Matt knows, they've disappeared from the Manic Mansion totally.] You'd be better off to look around for a room than one'a them.


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 03:36:59 UTC
This place was that expansive? Drat. B wasn't the type to enjoy a life of such plain boredom. There had to be something enjoyable for him here and there had to be a way to find the other B's.

“Would there happen to be any rooms full of jam?” He knew it sounded absurd-but that seemed to be the norm around here.


logical_red March 15 2010, 06:16:35 UTC
[He shrugs.] The kitchen, maybe? [He's not all too sure; he's a hot chocolate man himself.] It's worth a try.

[He starts to walk around B, gesturing with the same hand that's holding his cigarette.] C'mon. I was on my way there anyway. I'll show you where the nearest one is.


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 06:25:29 UTC
What a kind smoker. B made a mental note to only carve out one of the boy's lungs when the chance came up.

Beyond shuffled up behind Matt to follow his lead. “After you.”


logical_red March 15 2010, 06:31:26 UTC
Uh- [Matt turns to face B, making sure to keep his eyes on him as much as he can.] Don't take this too personally, but I'd prefer it if you didn't have so much free reign where I can't keep an eye on you. My own personal standard procedure with Bs.


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 06:41:22 UTC
B stared blankly before giving an accepting nod. He would follow along beside Matt at a reasonable distance.

One lung and one kidney.

... Perhaps half his liver. But that was it.


logical_red March 15 2010, 06:58:38 UTC
[As he starts walking down the hall, eyeing B closely, Matt tries to remember the last time he was this creeped out by a B.

Nope. Nothin'.

After just another few paces, they reach a certain door on the left; in order to check it out and make sure the damned kitchen hasn't moved, Matt's forced to turn his back on B to crack open the door. Peeking in for barely a moment, he nods, pushing it totally open.]

Ya gotta be careful; sometimes the rooms move around.


beyondryuzaki March 15 2010, 07:16:52 UTC
People don't die here

Really? Well--screw the boy's organs--this was B's chance to test that theory, wasn't it? Once the boy's back was turned B lunged forward. In one fell swoop B was going to make a grab for the redhead's neck and slam the boy's face into the door as hard as humanly possible.


logical_red March 15 2010, 23:43:50 UTC

[That's all Matt has time to say as he starts to turn, eyes wide and already totally and completely aware that B's coming at him, and he has no time to move; he knows he's quick, but fuck, he's not that quick.]


beyondryuzaki March 16 2010, 02:25:33 UTC
He had a Cheshire grin and there was a look of mania in his eyes. One hand, which was aimed specifically at Matt's throat, would crush it; while the other, that moved for the boy's skull, would introduce it to the wall-or better yet the edge of the door frame. B wasn't going to pull any punches. This was going to be brutal-satisfying.

Beyond almost began salivating.


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