[B has been exploring the mansion, hunting for exits, information and entertainment, in roughly that order. The room she's just found is about to provide her with two of those things.
It doesn't look too interesting at first - just a table covered in stacks of documents. She picks one up, scans the first few paragraphs... blinks, reads it again more slowly, and raises her eyebrows.]
...L is not this fond of sugar. B would know. And that's hardly sanitary.
[After some thought she tucks the paper inside her shirt, and starts looking through the rest of the piles.]
[[Revisit of the
fanfic room. To quote
isalright's description, "let's not make this about concrit of the stories, since half the people that play here have probably written some of them... but in good humour and love and character's reaction to learning that whoops, there's porn of them on the internet." And - try to keep discussion of what's actually in the stories within the bounds of decency, I guess. You can say a lot with a horrified expression.]]