*Matt walks into a room. Then pauses, looking about cautiously, waiting to see whether he's been turned an odd colour, whether he's suddenly stoned, whether he's in video game, or whatever other bizarre trick the mansion might play.
Nothing happens. He takes a few more steps. Still nothing. Then, after another step,
something happens.
Matt looks gobsmacked for a moment, then starts laughing.*
Is this it? Because I am totally cool with this being it.
((This has probably been done before. Everyone likes music, after all! New room, revisit - either way, this is how it goes:
In this room music - handily linked to by you, via yousendit.com or whatever - plays not only when they enter, but also if anything happens that might prompt that response from them. So if a Mello walks in, your character might respond with Franz Ferdinand's 'Micheal', or whatever. You might also want to link to the lyrics in case people would like an idea of what they're downloading beforehand. Basically, it's a chance to show off those super-long dndr playlists you've made up. XD))