Jan 07, 2009 16:28
I think Jeff Buckley had the most amazing voice ever, and more often than not he used it in the wrong way. I can't appreciate his voice when it's surrounded by electric guitars, only when it's engulfed in sparse strumming.
Ok, so. I guess somewhere along the line I learned to endear myself to people, which isn't necessarily good. It scares me that when I meet someone, I become really close to them in a matter of days. How does this keep on happening? And of course those relationships never last, not with the same intensity as before, because one of us always screws it up (more often than not me, because I can be such a fucking idiot sometimes). When I think about it, it amazes me how immature I was two, three years ago. And how immature most of the people I knew, no matter how highly they thought of themselves. But I've made a conscious effort to grow up, let go of "the past me", and work towards a better future. Fingers crossed.
And you- ...it's ok to be who you want to be. Don't let past misunderstandings make you think otherwise. Seriously. It almost breaks my heart to think of that.
And you- ...stop hanging out with those people and letting them influence you. What you're doing will destroy your life sooner than later.
And you- ...I love you so much you have no idea.